Many parents begin their quest to position their children for admission to top-tier colleges as early as middle school, directing them to pursue certain courses or extracurricular activities. The truth is that college admissions committees don’t consider or even see a prospective student’s middle school grades. However, there is some merit to these parents’ emphasis on the development of their middle-school-aged children. Middle school represents an ideal time for children to work on skills that will help them succeed in college and beyond.

Children who develop good study habits during their middle school years are more likely to continue those good habits in high school and college.
Likewise, middle school children who enjoy reading and who read a lot develop reading comprehension, writing, and critical thinking skills. These benefits apply whether your child is reading Harry Potter or Moby Dick.
Middle school is an ideal time for your child to experiment with extracurricular activities in music, sports, or in various clubs. He or she can sign up for the Chess Club this week and the Drama Club the following week. It’s totally ok for your child to try several different activities until he or she finds the right one. Parents can help guide this development process by supporting the development of skills and activities where their children

In short, the middle school years represent an excellent opportunity for students to explore and identify their strengths and weaknesses in a safe atmosphere that encourages experimentation – without the risk of adverse consequences on future college admission.
At El Paso Leadership Academy, we are committed to encouraging children to excel academically and as well-rounded individuals. We’re ready to do the same for your child.
There’s no better time to enroll your child in EPLA. Begin here: